King John and the Traitor
This was the second of the trilogy plays to be performed, making its debut during the Evesham National Morris Weekend, at the Fleece at Bretforton on Saturday 17th June, 2017. The play is introduced by Mother Shipton, who bemoans her poverty, and curses the money-grubbing King John and his relentless taxation (it should be noted at this point that all three of the plays are geographically accurate but chronologically suspect!)
King John enters, announcing his intention to relax at his second home, Knaresborough Castle. He intends to charge the locals for its renovation, prompting indignation from Mother Shipton:
"You're going to bleed us white with all the taxes
you collect.
Our piggy banks are emptied by your laxative effect."
She tells him about the impending Magna Carta, predicting ructions between future monarchs and parliament, culminating in the Civil War. Cue the arrival of Sir Thomas Fairfax, fresh from victory at Marston Moor, and bent on the destruction of the Royalist stronghold of Knaresborough Castle. Viewing the thickness of its walls, Fairfax ponders on his need for more ammunition.
A shady Guy Fawkes (once a resident of nearby Scotton) enters, offering explosives for hire. The bomb fails to detonate, and Guy is unmasked as the traitor who once tried to destroy Fairfax's beloved Houses of Parliament.
Appalled by the very idea of treachery, King John vows that Fawkes must be executed on a bonfire. Fairfax readily agrees, and the pair alarm Guy with the gruesome details of his forthcoming demise:
"We'll tie him to a stake, just like a rocket set
for take-off.
At gas mark eight we'll seal his fate, and watch his britches bake
An overheated Guy appears to suffer death by spontaneous combustion, collapsing in a cloud of smoke! Mother Shipton pleas for clemency, giving Fairfax and King John a series of ghastly premonitions about the awfulness of future Members of Parliament. They reluctantly agree that they've judged Fawkes rather harshly, and Mother Shipton revives him with a cooling draught of Theakston's Old Peculier.
The play ends with a tribute to various Yorkshire brews, and a song based on "Bring Us In Good Ale".
The 5 person version outside the Bard's birthplace in Stratford on Avon on Saturday, 17th June, 2017 - in blistering heat!! L-r, Mother Shipton:Mark Ellison, Thomas Fairfax: Dave Williams, Guy Fawkes: Julian Sharpe, King John: John Burrell and 5th person, Town Crier: Andy West.
The 5 person version on Festival Busking Day at Whitby Harbour, Friday 25th August, 2017. L-r, 5th person, Town Crier: Andy West, Mother Shipton:Mark Ellison, Thomas Fairfax: Dave Williams, Guy Fawkes: Julian Sharpe, and King John: John Burrell.
For completeness, the 4 person version at the evening social gathering at the Knox Arms, Harrogate, on Betty Lupton's Day of Dance, Saturday 19th May, 2018. L-r, Mother Shipton:Mark Ellison, Guy Fawkes: Julian Sharpe, Thomas Fairfax: Dave Williams, and King John: John Burrell. The Town Crier's lines were taken by Mother Shipton.
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