Robin Hood & The Abbess of Grantham
By 1984, we were looking to replace our Robin Hood and the Tanner play, having performed it many times. The country was well in the grip of Thatcherism and we decided we would adapt the themes of the Robin Hood and the Sheriff play into a political version introducing some new characters, and substitute the villain of the piece with The Abbess of Grantham as a certain lady of the day (!), done as this large nun-like character with that voice or as near as we could get. The whole thing was narrated by Hern the Hunter, along with sound effects and featured alongside the usual Robin Hood crew, such characters as Little Dennis (complete with optics!) and, straight out of the Cabinet, Norman the Fowler as the Doctor. The resurrection consisted of an operating table from which were drawn bits and pieces representing things that had been affected by the Tory Government at the time toy buses, a doll (a minor!*!) all with appropriate comments.
Some of the props made this a difficult play to transport easily and by its nature, it had a limited shelf life. Oh! I dont know though!!
The following pictures were taken at Holmfirth Folk Festival on Saturday, 10th May, 1986 at the evening Ceilidh. The first picture shows Hern the Hunter: Dave Dearlove, introducing the play.
The final print is of Robin Hood: John Hutt in the tabard of the slain Guy of Guisburn, doctor Norman the Fowler: John Burrell operating and removing the country bus with Friar Tuck: Graham Bickerdike looking on.